Thursday, February 22, 2007

pabst blue ribbon

in the days of yore (junior year), I lived in Pittsburgh, PA in an apartment own by Joe, Fred and the family Deiulius. We had a townhouse on Parkview Ave and it was grand. I had two drunk roommates.

Thats enough background.

Bobby turned 21 in November so we were able to procure alcohol relatively easy. Every weekend, we'd get our hands on the glorious 30 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon for approximately $12. 30 beers was fantastic to us and to the masses that would sit in our kitchen and shoot free throws on our indoor hoop stadium.

Pabst has an impressive history; it obviously begun by winning several blue ribbons. Wikipedia fills in some blanks I have about the history.
Pabst Blue Ribbon (colloquially PBR) is the most famous product of the Pabst Brewing Company. Originally called Pabst Select, the current name came from a blue ribbon tied around the bottle neck, a practice that ran from 1882 until 1916. Also, Pabst Select won a blue ribbon at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition for being selected as "America's Best." Many people choose Pabst Blue Ribbon due to its labeling as 'The Most American Beer Ever', resulting in popularity with the working class.

In 1882 the company started selling the beer with a blue ribbon tied around the neck to signify it was an award winning beer. The beer was so successful that Pabst began ordering millions of yards of blue ribbon. One factory in 1902 worked around the clock for nearly a year to complete a contract for 10 million yards of ribbon.
PBR is often offered at bars as the $1 option, which some believe is a ripoff. I believe instead that it is a glory. While I haven't had a PBR in quite a while, I look back and remember my days of P.B.Rizzle as the best days I've had.

In fact, I once drank a PBR 40 (I think it was actually 32) in Hong Kong prior to a NoFX concert, which turned out to be a very american night.

1 comment:

Dynah said...

pbr is for hipsters. and/or poor college kids. but hey, we've all been there...